Love is giving...

Love is all about giving.  You cannot give what you don't have.  It doesn't necessarily have to do with material things or financial benefits.  There are other things you can give aside that. Your time, your shoulder to lean on, your ears to listen. We often ignore the little basics and assume material things can sustain love. Where material things fail only those little gesture goes a long way.

However, love should be a two way traffic. As you are giving, you should take also.  Anyone constantly giving love without taking will end up emotionally drained and exhausted. Because as you give and empty your self,  someone should also fill that empty space your giving creates.
Never settle for less.  You know deep down inside you when you are not taking or receiving what you give.  If you find yourself self in such situation politely withdraw because you are on your way to depression..... Love and be loved.


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