Anglophone Cameroonians to protest on Independence Day..

October 1st has been planned for demonstration against the discrimination and neglect of the anglophone Cameroonians by the Francophone dominated government of President Paul Biya.

The protests have become a lightening rod for opposition to Biya’s 35-year rule.
The planned protest follows the three-day ban by the authorities of all gatherings of more than four persons, the shut down of bus stations, eateries and shops and the ban on the movement of people between divisions of its English-speaking region.

The draconian measures were taken to prevent the planned protests, which appear unstoppable.

The last time there were big protests in the western region, the government responded by unplugging the internet, shooting dead six protesters and arrested hundreds of others, some of whom were charged with crimes that carry the death penalty.

“Public gatherings and assembly of more than four persons shall be strictly forbidden. All off licenses, snack bars and night clubs shall not operate. Motor parks shall remain closed,” said the order signed by Adolphe Lele Lafrique, governor of the northwest region.
“Any persons who attempt to violate this order shall be prosecuted,” it added.
The draconian measures are likely to provoke further anger driving a movement that is fast morphing from a bid for equal rights into a full-fledged struggle for independence.
Cameroon’s divide has its roots in the end of World War One, when the League of Nations divided the former German colony of Kamerun between the allied French and British victors.
Thousands of Anglophone demonstrators took to the streets last Friday, some of them hoisting separatist flags.
The government ordered its border with Nigeria closed this weekend. The Anglophone regions have strong ties to eastern Nigeria and authorities may fear that allowing the border to remain open during protests offers the demonstrators a rear base and makes it harder to maintain order.

Via..  News Agency of Nigeria


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