Christmas is a season of love and giving to enjoy with our friends and loved ones. However,it is important we don't get  carried away with the celebration and lower our guard. The safety of our friends and family from covid-19 should also be a top priority as we celebrate. Especially with the second wave of the virus upon us.

Visits should be limited and if you must go out,ensure you observe all the prescribed safety measures. It will be refreshing to cruise into the new year with sound health, than neglecting the safety measures and getting infected by the virus after much celebration. If you truly love your friends and family, you will  see to it that they are protected by:

✅Wearing a face mask

✅Observing physical distancing

✅Washing their hands frequently with soap under running water

✅Coughing/sneezing into your bent elbow

✅Using an alcohol based hand sanitizer

Covid-19 is real and in Nigeria,please protect yourself and  loved ones.






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