
Showing posts from January, 2021


 What do you do when you fail? Go back to the drawing board to research on how to be better or simply just give up. Please allow me to use the academic means of assessment in the university as an analogy to the journey of life. All the student got admitted into School regardless their background or foundations,they are exposed to the same lectures and lecturers under the same learning circumstances and condition.  However, during exams some students are graded A, some B while another set C till we get to P and F. My emphasis is on the student with 'F' which stands for Fail. How  did the student who left his parent to study for a degree in an academic environment end up with 'F'? It is okay to get grade 'F' at school but the main issue is how do you take it. Allow me to add here that it is okay to fail in life but what do you do about it? Some people may counter my position with the view that corruption in the country is  part of the reason for their failure. 


 I had an experience this evening which is  worth sharing. Boarded a bus home today just to observe how people are keeping to the safety guidelines and precautions stipulated by the government and health experts to curb COVID-19. To my dismay, I noticed I was the only one wearing a nose mask properly,one other man and a lady who had theirs only hung it on the face. The most frightening observation was a mother and her two children in the bus with no form of protection. But just imagine this,only three people with nose mask in a full bus. This only make we wonder if these people are actually aware that Corona Virus is in town or they are just unperturbed about the increasing figures by the day. The bus was full to capacity with a few people standing, yet I am the only one wearing a mask properly. Indeed there is a lot  of work to be done in the fight against this Virus. More sensitization is needed especially for public bus commuters. The risk of joining a public bus with a lot of peopl


 The people in the Niger area are so expressive and often find a thing to tie any situation they found themselves to. Although at first they may wail and lament to unfavorable condition which their strong will and resilience can change, but give them little time and life is back to normal. My interest and fascination about these people  is the culture of blaming the old politicians or the cabal if I may use that nomenclature. They have been seen as the architect of their current predicament which only worsens by the day. On a second thought, I imagined what will happen when they are all gone? Who are the people gearing up to fit into the shoes of these people but with a different orientation that the nation should comes first.  More saddening is the fact that we have more looters than leaders. An average man on the street in this Niger area if questioned sincerely may admit he will fend for his pocket first before thinking of the nation. This only made me wonder, what killed patriotism


Corona virus entered the polity with a lot of skepticism and presumptuous conspiracy theory flying all around. These misinformation and disinformation can travel across borders since similar situation is being experienced all over the world. The effect of this is that the gullible people may fall for these false information and start spreading their wrong perspective to the populace.  The truth is some people still don't believe COVID-19 is real,hence they see no reason why they have to wear a nose mask or observe any of the prescribed safety measures. Top on the list of the conspiracy theory is the claim that  5G is responsible for the massive deaths and not Corona virus. Others say it is a plot by Europe to depopulate Africa. All these are ideas geared towards getting people to neglect the advise and precautions  suggested by health experts. Nevertheless,the deaths all around the world and even Nigeria has proven that the virus is real, but we can reduce its effect if we do the r


 Welcome to 2021 our esteemed viewers,just to notify us that as at 31st December 2020,the confirmed cases of people infected with Civic-19 stands at 1,031. It is a good thing that we scaled through from 2020 to 2021 but please lets not relent in our fight against this virus.  We should not lower our guard even while celebrating the new year. Always ensure you are observing the prescribed safety measures such as: ✅Wearing a face mask ✅Observing physical distancing ✅Washing our hands frequently with soap under running water ✅Coughing/sneezing into your bent elbow ✅Using an alcohol based hand sanitizer Covid-19 is real and in Nigeria,please protect yourself and  loved ones. #workingtogetheragainstcorona  CC: @SFCG


We at life daily wish all our viewers a Happy New Year.  This year shall bring forth good tidings with joy and peace to us all. 2021 shall be a year of bountiful blessings for us all.  Once again Congratulations!