The Pull Down Syndrome

 Life is a funny tale full of deceits and false truth. Lies now parades the street disguised as truth while truth walks around naked and unwelcomed. I posted a piece  about works of the flesh form Galatians 5: 19-21 which expansiated on  the activities of the lower nature. 

The truth is man cannot help himself if he's depending on his works or ability to practice restraint. Whatever attempts he makes outside Christ will be brought to nothing by Mr Flesh. The sinful nature is ever ready to do evil which is contrary to what the spirit wants. Hence there is always a strive between these two on how man should act. The choice taken by man based on who rules in his life is the ends result. 

I'm not in anyway justifying sin but what do you think is the best approach to a fallen Man. If only men knew how wretched they are in the sight of God,they will be careful when condemning others. If God in his gracious mercy can give Adam and Eve a second chance. How much more this perverse generation. Everyone is a saint when something not pleasant to hears or eyes hits the public knowledge. After the banter what next? In all your outburst do you ever think of how to help this person back to the right track?

The world only celebrate success and make believe show. Once certain truth are laid bare, everyone switch to the other side dishing out all what they have in their bitter self which is only covered with lies. The hypocrisy of the world is really getting on my nerves and I wish we can see what these people judging are doing in their closet.

Let he who is without sin,be the first to cast the stone.  Those who live in a glass house do throw stones in this part of the world. 


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