I had an experience this evening which is worth sharing. Boarded a bus home today just to observe how people are keeping to the safety guidelines and precautions stipulated by the government and health experts to curb COVID-19. To my dismay, I noticed I was the only one wearing a nose mask properly,one other man and a lady who had theirs only hung it on the face. The most frightening observation was a mother and her two children in the bus with no form of protection. But just imagine this,only three people with nose mask in a full bus. This only make we wonder if these people are actually aware that Corona Virus is in town or they are just unperturbed about the increasing figures by the day. The bus was full to capacity with a few people standing, yet I am the only one wearing a mask properly. Indeed there is a lot of work to be done in the fight against this Virus. More sensitization is needed especially for public bus commuters. The risk of joining a public bus with ...