
Showing posts from March, 2022


There is a a gift we often take for granted and see as our right. Some people go as far as starting their day and  living their lives like the world revolves around them, mind clouded with  expectations of how things should go as planned. They speak of  tomorrow or the future like that is  all needed to scale through to the aspiring future.  No apologies for being religious but after God created man, one action brought man into being which I call the gift (breath of life). God breathed life into man and alas man came alive and all every other thing was set in motion. Lets pause here and think of all what man did after the gift was freely handed to him. Did man ever thought of the origin of this gift before disobeying? That is exactly the nature of man, forgetful and occupied with our ambition and desires without any thought of what happens when this gift is taken away from us.  I don't know who is reading this but please take note that without this gift, we...


                                    The society lives and thrives in utopian illusion of things presumably perfect and in place. A good example is what runs throw the mind of two people coming in opposite direction attempting to cross a narrow path but still end up in collusion. funny isn't it, the truth is the threat was identified but the danger wasn't avoided.  The word "benefit of doubt" has put so many people in trouble because one always has to be ready for eventualities. However, the society tend to  picture a scenario with an expected outcome before it unfolds. I beg to borrow the word of ASA  from one her song titled "Society" which says "one man's truth is another man's lie". This is indeed a deep statement which tells how twisted truth and lie could mean to different people. lies now parade the society as truth while truth is ashamed because it is either bitter or naked....