Women and the Value

 Value is an important concept which if not properly understood abuse is inevitable. The value we place on things determine how we relate or handle them. A good example is the way one will handle a diamond ring in comparison to a Silver ring. I need not say that the diamond ring will be treated with special attention. Thus,suffice to say value is determined by  the worth attached to an object or person. This implies some people see themselves as worthing nothing while some see themselves as cooper or gold. Gold is Gold just as Copper is Copper, Copper can't be turned into Gold.

The above instance can also be likened to how men see or treat women. But the questions is who determines the value? The woman in question is the major determinant of her value. A friend was relating how much he spent to fulfill the marriage rites before marrying his wife. In his words,he said "if this marriage requirements are so thorough and expensive,why then are some ladies selling themselves cheap at a cost or no cost at all". 

However,it is important to note that my position on ladies placing value on themselves doesn't imply selling their body for money; but to get the men to do the right thing before having any access at all to them. The worth of a lady cannot be found on a price tag but in the pride and respect the man will have for her after going through hurdles to get to her.

The women are to change the narrative by  sensitizing those falling short in their value system. Your worth is in your hands.


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